- Provide legal assessment of actions and resolutions by public officials
- Help challenge actions and resolutions of public officials out of and in court
- Provide expert assessment of administrative risks and issue legal opinions and recommendations
- Help recover damages and redress the harm caused by public officials
- Assist in challenging unlawful regulations issued by public authorities
- Protect clients in business-related administrative cases
- Resolve unfair-competition and restriction-of-competition issues, interact with the Federal Antimonopoly Service and challenge its resolutions
- Handle disputes with regulators and help challenge their resolutions in court to annul or reduce fines
- Represent clients in controversies with the Central Bank, Federal Tax Service, customs authorities, Federal Consumer Protection Service, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Federal Service for Supervision in Telecommunications, Ministry of Justice, labor inspectorates, consumer rights protection authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor's Office and other agencies
Key contacts
Rustam Kurmaev
Managing Partner, PhD in Law
+7 (495) 150-05-05
Rustam Kurmaev specializes in the resolution of commercial disputes, real-estate and construction disputes, corporate disputes, as well as disputes involving the criminal defense of business, systematically mounting a comprehensive defense strategy for corporate executives and top managers at all stages of the criminal process.
Armed with a significant amount of experience representing the interests of Russian and foreign companies at the commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction, including the RF Supreme Commercial Court and RF Supreme Court, Rustam is a widely-recognized specialist on issues involving the execution of court rulings, both through the procedures envisioned by law (enforcement proceedings and bankruptcy), as well as through the application of alternative instruments (mediation).
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Dmitry Kletochkin
+7 (495) 150-05-05
Dmitry Kletochkin specializes in representing client interests in litigation involving corporate conflicts, real-estate disputes, hostile takeovers and restructuring & bankruptcy cases. He has a vast amount of experience representing the interests of Russian and international clients at the commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction. Dmitry has rendered legal assistance to clients in disputes stemming from supply contracts, loan agreements and contracting agreements, disputes involving real-estate rights, and other disputes in the area of civil and commercial law.
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